General Rules of Conduct and Discipline

  1. The main aim of the School is to give its pupils sound education in tune with the culture and tradition of the country. Training them to realize their responsibilities and to develop a strong civic sense or spirit that will prepare them for leadership in the society to which they belong. The greatest emphasis is placed on the knowledge and love of God, the formation of a true moral conscience, appreciation of family life and service to their country.
  2. Students must have 75% of attendance. Those having less than 75% attendance in the class shall be debarred from appearing examination.
  3. On class days and at School functions pupils must wear their uniforms hair should be cut appropriately, combed and tidy, Those who are not correctly dressed and whose general appearance does not conform to such regulations as the School prescribes will be penalized by the principal.
  4. Pupils who come late to School and those who have been absent on the previous day must bring a letter of explanation from the parents countersigned by the Principal, to be tendered to the Class Teacher.
  5. Pupils strictly forbidden to leave during the school hours. Permission to do so may be granted by the principal.
  6. No Mobile phone / Ipods / MP3 / MP4 / or any electronical gadgets magazines periodical or other books other than text books must be brought to the School without the permission of the principal
  7. Parent and Guardians are not allowed to visit their children or interview teachers during the School hours without the permission of the Headmistress.
  8. Anyone found using unfair means in examinations will be debarred from further examinations and necessary action will be taken against him/her.
  9. Late – comers require the Principal permission to enter the class.
  10. Strict actions will be taken on any pupils caught stealing or taking things belonging to others or forging of signature.
  11. Pupils who have not paid their fees will be debarred from sitting at the examinations.